3rd International Business Conference Advertisement
Welcome to Nairobi, Kenya for this great conference!


God has called us in Mathew 25:14-30 as business people to be responsible with our blessings! We are expected to create wealth and provide opportunities for others in a God-pleasing way. This conference will encourage a Heavenly standard in the business community. We hope to provide examples of successful business operations that will lead to growth throughout our respective industries!

We intend you to use this conference as an asset to gain vital knowledge and valuable contacts! This in turn will benefit your business and help you achieve the greater calling of blessing God with what He has given you!

The Conference is organized by Partners Worldwide, Christian Reformed World Relief Committee Kenya and the Association of Kenyan Christian Business Organizations, whose members include: Kenya Investment Trust, Christian Entrepreneurs Savings and Credit Society, Fullscale Business Trust.

DATES: March 22nd - 23rd, 2007

VENUE: Kenya School of Monetary Studies , Thika Road.

The venue has modern conference and seminar facilities located in tranquil perfectly manicured grounds, with various sports and recreational amenities. For more details on KSMS please visit their
Website: http://www.ksms.or.ke

Topics of Discussion Workshops
•  Business as a mission
•  Mentoring opportunities and challenges
•  Financing of micro-small-medium enterprises
•  The role of business people on HIV/AIDS
•  Business and succession
•  Christian Business Challenge: Partners world wide story
•  Marketing of goods and services
•  Turning around a distressed business
•  Mentoring existing and emerging businesses
•  Importance of Justice in business
•  Personal business story Business succession

Registration and payment (to be made on or before FEBRUARY 28, 2007)
Local business partners' participants US$ 50
Local–non business participants US$ 65
Participants from the Continent of Africa US$ 65
Participants from other countries US$ 120

Please add $150 (at $50 per day half board) for accommodation at the conference venue for the 3 nights (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday).

Conference venue accommodation is available and is strongly suggested.
Rate per day $50.

Listed below are alternative accommodations.

Fairview Hotel: 5 star hotel situated on Nairobi Hill, walking distance, but comfortably removed from Nairobi's city centre. Considerable distance from Conference Venue.
Rates: Single $90 / Double $130.
Website: http://www.fairviewkenya.com

Utalii Hotel: Located on the Nairobi-Thika road highway, a few meters from the Conference Venue. Four star hotel, spacious grounds, and beautiful gardens provide a peaceful country environment.
Rates: Single $150 / Double $180

Website: http://www.utalii.co.ke/asp/hotel_intro.asp

Safari Park Hotel: One of our top 5 star hotels. It is located a few meters away from the conference venue offering convenience.
Rates: Single $120 (residents) $140 (non-residents) Double: $160
Website: www.safaripark-hotel.com

Amani Conference Centre: Situated directly opposite Utalii Hotel, Amani conference center provides affordable alternative accommodation at a convenient distance of about 500 meters from the conference venue.
Rates: $15 per person

The Coordinator C/O CRWRC – Kenya,
AACC Building, 5 th floor, Waiyaki Way, Westlands.
Tel: 020-4445828/9; 020–4442688
Fax: 020-4448464
Mobile: 0722-20-20-62, 0734-44-58-28
Contact names:
Joy Lee nthenyalee@yahoo.com
Martin Mutuku martin@crwrc-ke.org

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